How to deal with the challenges you’ll face in digital transformation

Bringing your employees along the digital journey is crucial. Photo from Unsplash

All businesses must adapt to the expanding digitisation of our world. How those companies adapt will vary dependent of their business need and model. This is digital transformation and can bring great benefit to your organisation.

However many projects fail due to a lack of planning and consideration around problem areas.

Below are some of the top challenges and how you could deal with them.

  1. Employee resistance to change

Getting your employees to adopt to your digital transformation can be difficult. In fact, employee resistance is one of the most complex barriers to change in general.

This resistance often stems from a fear that the change will disrupt workflow, introduce unfamiliar duties and impact the expectations from managers.

By clearly communicating the intent of the change, who will be impacted and how, you can reduce the resistance from employees.

  1. Unclear vision of value to users

Getting something new can be exciting, however the new digital tools should fulfil a clear purpose against your strategy. When designing your transformation roadmap, every tool should be adding value to the users.

You will need to consider how it will help your employees work more efficient, what impact it will have on productivity.

  1. Choice overload

There is an abundance of choice in the marketplace, you need to be smart about which tools you purchase.

Consider having an independent third party come in to help identify the best technology from an understanding of your business’ needs. Keep in mind your business goals and objectives when you choose.

  1. Inflexibility

Despite perhaps performing a risk assessment, there are bound to be challenges you didn’t expect. The Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions being a fine example. This is why your strategy and process must allow for flexibility. You must remain agile by learning on failures/challenges fast and correcting them quickly.

  1. Not adapting your business model

Your transformation will require you to change elements of your business model. Digital tools that may improve how you process orders and shipment from 5 working days to 2 working days could lead to expanding your offering.

By not performing a post-transformation analysis, you may not be aware of what processes need to change as a result and not receive the benefits from the transformation.

Undertaking a digital transformation is not an easy task, but if you want to continue to thrive in the digital era. You can increase your changes for success by making sure you have prepared for the challenges.

If you’re facing difficulties, get in touch with us through the sidebar to arrange a meeting on how we can help.