At Caja, our mix of experience of operating in large businesses within the commercial sector and recent experiences of working with local authorities and central government, has allowed us to develop some unique insight regarding the road-map organisations need to develop and adopt, to fully realise the broad benefits of implementing a commercialisation strategy.
In partnership with Keele University, we have developed the ‘Caja Framework’, which can help assess a council’s organisational maturity against a commercialisation strategy and support organisations turn their plans into real delivery.
The Caja Team work in partnership with clients to help them transform how they work and deliver against their vision and strategy. Our team is led by a small team of Directors uniquely placed to support you with backgrounds in both the public sector and large commercial businesses.

The Caja Commercialisation quick self-assessment tool is based on our model for the ‘Entrepreneurial Council’ and is designed to give a basic assessment of maturity against the 9 domains of development. To assess your maturity get in touch here