What DIFFERENTIATES the best from the rest?

  • Not all documents are the same

If documents differ then their management needs to reflect these differences so a document management solution cannot be one size fits all. Understanding document purpose in the context of operational process ensures effective ROT (redundant, obsolete and transitory) management, enabling better risk management as well as enhancing organisational decision making through better use of data analytics and data insight.

  • Sustainable results can only be achieved by having a document management framework

To future proof your document management solutions and allow them to grow in alignment with business needs a core framework including document management design principles, document management flows and document management storage architecture is required. This framework enables both ongoing governance and the ability for the organisation to adapt and build optimised integrated processes when new documents are created, or statutory documents management requirements change

  • It’s as much about the people as it is about the process and the technology

Realisation of projected business benefits through an optimised document management project only occurs when we transform how teams interact with optimised processes enabled by appropriate technology. Understanding current and potential barriers and enhancing employees ability to adopt and deliver is key to making positive change stick, and thus delivering anticipated business benefits.

Call: 01782 443020 or email admin@cajagroup.com to have a conversation with one of our team today.