What is the new ‘normal’?


As I start my extensive and exhausting daily commute.…to my spare room where I have set up my office, I’m led to wonder what BAU or normality in organisations will look and feel like once the effect of the devastating Covid-19 virus tails off.  I hear many media sources and clients refer to returning back to ‘normal’ life after the lockdown, both at home and at work.  I’m not sure what normal means in this context as I sense society will be irreversibly changed as a result of the experiences we’ve collectively been through and will continue to go through. Take working from home for example.  Many of us have had to adapt to these new ways of working as a result of the forced change.  This has only been possible as a result of the forced digital transformation that many organisations have rapidly undergone – creating new technology solutions and processes almost overnight.  This rapid mobilisation and delivery is an achievement many organisations would have never believed was part of their capability a few months back…I believe the people support is a little behind this but we are all finding our way through this and evolving news ways of working, creating new cultures.

So what will be the new ‘normal’? More remote working and all this brings (e.g. connectivity)? More investment and utilisation of digital technologies to drive business performances?  More wellbeing issues as people feel increasingly isolated? A move away from a materialistic society to one that is more relationship based?


Will we go back to long commutes and presenteeism in the workplace?

Whatever ‘normal’ will be, the ‘normal’ that we knew before Covid-19 will not exist.  Will it be for the better?…only time will tell.

What will the new ‘normal’ look like? I would welcome your views….

If you would like to discuss digital transformation in your organisation, please drop me a line. 

Blog written by Andy Woodcock, Caja Director. To give your views or get in touch – visit his LinkedIn post