Higher Education

It’s fair to say that the Higher Education Sector at the moment is currently in one of its most challenging and difficult times. With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, many institutions are finding the challenges further heightened having to balance the needs of students, their health and wellbeing, with needs of the staff desiring to deliver a superb teaching and learning experience and research excellence.

Despite this, many HEIs are viewing this current context as an opportunity to revisit the fundamentals of their institutions and are asking questions that drive to the core of their existence: -

• What are we actually here for? What sort of institution are we and how we operate it?
• How do create an institution that is financially sustainable in the future - diversifying income streams, controlling costs and estates utilisation?
• What do our students want from us?
• How do students want to access their learning?
• What do we want our people to say about the way we do things?
• Is our institution aligned to the academic endeavour? Are our people focused on the right activities and have the right skills to deliver this?

Many HEIs are searching for many of the answers to these questions which will drive transformational change in many complex areas with conflicting interdependencies and a degree of scale and complexity that has not been experienced in the past…and this is where Caja can help.

Caja exists to help our clients form simplicity from complexity, driving outcome-focused, sustainable, innovative transformational change. We take the strategic internal and external context, using to work with clients to develop and implement solutions across the spectrum of people, process and technology, all working in unison and underpinned by robust data.

Our expertise in this sector has been demonstrated by working closely with many Universities and colleges across 4 key areas:

Creating Organisational Strategy & Target Operating Models

Creating Organisational Design & Development

Delivering Process Optimisation

Driving digital transformation

Our approach is to work with you. Using our consultants, who are highly experienced in delivering change as well as understanding the academic context (and being SMEs in their field) to collaborate with you, alongside your people, to deliver innovative solutions that are aligned to your strategy and your desired culture.

We offer a number of services:

As a result of the recent sector challenges, many HEIs are wanting us to support in creating the organisation structure of the future that meets the strategic needs and delivers on a lower cost base. Caja has a proven methodology for this, recognising that every institution is different with different starting position. This enables our clients to able to deliver tangible and enduring benefits is shorter times that might be expected.

In addition, we have our Higher Education sector Advisory panel consisting of sector leading academics and delivery experts that ensure that we remain aligned with market landscape as well and central government policy changes. Here is some of the outputs of the work we do:

Our latest edition of Caja Spotlight, focused on the thoughts of our Higher Education experts within our community. You can read it here: Caja Spotlight - Higher Education

Productivity within Universities

Like any other business delivering a service, universities are answerable to their stakeholders.

Never before have they been under such scrutiny to ensure that what they offer to today’s students is fit for purpose.

So how do Vice Chancellors and their teams ensure that the focus remains futuristic and realistic, while maintaining an optimum balance?

By measuring their productivity data.

If you'd like to learn more about how we measure productivity, visit our Productivity page.

Working in partnership
At Caja, we know what we excel at and to complement this, we have partnered with other organisations to deliver our innovative solutions. Our clients like that we can flex our resources and skills that are deployed over the lifetime of an assignment to ensure the right people are in place at the right time.

To arrange a free consultation call, please contact us.

Our Experience:

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