Caja Roundtable ‘Embedding Change across the Organisation’


Caja were delighted to welcome both clients and associates to their first roundtable discussion, ‘Embedding Change Across the Organisation’.


On Thursday January 14th, Caja hosted their first of a series of round table discussion, aimed at bringing together clients, partners and associates to share their experiences, knowledge and thought leadership.


The Caja team would like to thank all who attended the event for sharing their experiences and contributing to its success and give a special thanks to Peter Reilly, Institute of Employment Studies, who facilitated a thought provoking discussion.


The attendees, a mix of Caja’s current clients and associates, explored the current challenges and drivers for change, key issues that need to be addressed to create the environment for effective, sustainable change and the lessons learnt from personal experience of leading change.


The discussion and experiences exchanged on the day will be worked in to a practical series of tips for those leading the change agenda and shared on social media in the coming weeks.


For information on future roundtable events or to discuss working with Caja to successfully embed change into your organisation, contact us.